Here at Louth Distillery, we are the proud home of renowned Lincolnshire brands Pin Gin and Rum Cat.
Expanding on the heritage of Bottomley Distillers, we want to welcome you into our world of botanicals, distillation and alchemy.
Pin Gin was born of the first distillery in Lincolnshire in 2016 and quickly became one of Lincolnshire's most recognisable brands.
Now in its new home, Louth Distillery, we are open for experience bookings and gift shop walk-ins!



Dotty, our 35ltr copper pot, was the first ever still that made all of the Pin Gin in the first 6 months from the distillery!
In Dotty's retirement, she can now be found in the new Louth Distillery Shop (not for sale, of course!)
So named, due to the dotted effect that comes with this type of copper alembic still, but also after Amy's Grandma, Dorothy!

Rose, our 100ltr copper pot, was the second alembic still to join our team.
She thankfully made Dotty's tenure short and meant that we could introduce the first level of automations, that have led to the full automated distillery system we have now!
Rose, was given her name to share with the middle name of Molly.

Stansfield, our 500ltr copper pot, joined the team in 2019. Stansfield arrived, along with a brand new mash tun and fermenter, meaning that we were able to begin distilling whisky too!
Stansfield, named after Alan's father is still in main production today and supports us with our small batch distillations and will be soon leading our new Lincolnshire Whisky project!

Molly, you might have guessed, is the new kid on the block and is a whopping 5,000ltr copper pot still.
She is being commissioned in Spring 2023 and will be able to produce up to 52,000 bottles of gin EVERY DAY!
Molly stands around 4m tall and is nearly as tall as two giraffes on top of one another!